Voice of the People. - Free Online Library (2025)

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INNER WHEEL CLUB OF STIRLING Club met at Birds and Bees on Friday January 10. Meeting started with talk by Peter Ireland, president of Callander Rotary, on mosaics. Peter illustrated talk with his photographs taken when visiting archeological sites in Greece, Turkey, North Africa and Sicily. Earliest mosaics were made of pebbles. By end of second century BC Pergamon and Alexandria were producing best mosaics using wide variety of materials. Romans used mosaics in their villas and bath houses. They developed technique to fix the tessara which meant work was very long lasting. Peter ended informative talk with Q&A session. After lunch we celebrated International Inner Wheel Day by dressing in national costumes and showing items of interest from countries we had visited. Interesting half hour reminded us Inner Wheel is international organisation. Next meeting Friday February 7 at Birds and Bees. Speaker Sheila McGregor on Make Do and Mend.

TALK AT THE SMITH 'The Throckmorton Letters: A Diplomat's Despair' on Wednesday January 29, 2pm. It's July 1567. The English ambassador Nicholas Throckmorton arrives in Scotland. Here, he witnesses the deposition of Mary, Queen of Scots, the coronation of her infant son James VI, and rise to power of her half-brother, the Regent Moray. Throckmorton's letters from Edinburgh show a world controlled by fragile alliances, political intrigue and betrayal, telling story of a kingdom on brink of civil war. Katharina Pruente is PhD researcher in Scottish history at University of Stirling. Her focus on historical communities, the impact of friendship on diplomacy and politics, and role of ambassadors in early modern Europe will make this fascinating talk. If you enjoyed Wolf Hall, you will love this. Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum, 40 Albert Place, Stirling. Entry by cash or card at door: PS5 (PS3 students). BIRTH PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Parents permanently separated from their children through adoption, fostering and kinship offered support at group. Monthly meetings in Raploch Community Campus 12.30-2.30pm. Group provides safe space - inclusive and non-judgmental. Everyone welcome. HANDYPERSON SERVICE Handyperson volunteers carry out small/minor maintenance jobs in older people's homes in Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Dunblane, Callander and Clackmannanshire. Service co-ordinated by registered charity Volunteering Matters. No charge and donations gratefully accepted. Volunteers welcome. Call 01259 928088.

Get need to where our app INYOURAREA.

ARTS SOCIETY STIRLING & FORTH VALLEY Fine Arts Society Stirling and Forth Valley. Further information: [emailprotected] or visit www.theartssocietystirling.org.uk. ROYAL SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF BIRDS Forth Valley Group of RSPB. Further information: http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/forthvalley.

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION RBL Scotland Stirling Branch holds monthly meetings. All ex and serving

MOD personnel welcome. More information call 07395569995. ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION RNA (Forth Valley Branch). More information 07395569995. STIRLING POETRY SHARING GROUP Group meets regularly on first Thursday of each month 11.30am-12.30pm in Smith Art Gallery. All welcome to share and enjoy poetry read aloud. If not wishing to read yourself, group will provide willing reader. Smith Cafe open for refreshments. For info call 07464 602207. Forthcoming dates - February 6, March 6.

BOOK NOOK Book Nook in Upper Craigs, Stirling runs two book groups - one on last Sunday and one on last Monday of month, as well as True Crime book club first Thursday of month led by forensic investigator Jim Fraser. Children's story time every Sunday at 10am (primarily for 3 to 8 year olds). Visit thebooknookstirling.co.uk for information.

PARKINSON'S SOCIETY Stirling and Clackmannanshire Parkinson's support group for anyone living with Parkinson's and their partners/ carers. Meetings in Cochrane Hall, Alva FK12 5LJ. See future editions for next date. STIRLING TAIZE GROUP Ecumenical group with meditative worship in Taize tradition including songs, scripture, prayer and time of silence. Next meeting on Friday January 31 at 7.30pm in St Margaret's Church, Drip Road, Stirling.

STIRLING LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Stirling archaeologist Dr Murray Cook talks on 'Stirling Dead Centre- Tales of The Old Town Cemetery' (January 30). Dr Cook currently working with society on book about cemeteries in the town and anyone who has attended his guided walks in the graveyards will know we are in for interesting evening. 'The Argylls' is subject of talk by Col Alan Miller CBE (February 27). Talk on 'Burgh of Stirling Fire Brigade up to 1948' by Kenny McLaren (March 27). Robbie Tree speaks about 'Stirling and The Privy Council of Scotland in late 17th Century' (April 24). All meetings in Smith museum at 7.30pm. Doors open 7pm. All welcome. Admission free to members, visitors PS3.

Further information and membership enquiries visit : www.stirling-lhs.org or email: [emailprotected].

SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Stirling RSCDS class meets in Guide Hut, Glebe Ave, Stirling on Tuesdays 2pm-3.30pm. Get fit, have fun, make new friends. All welcome. Cost PS5. More everything you know about live with via the co.uk information contact Jane 01786 822853. ALPHA DANCE GROUP Evenings combine modern and old time dances and he!d monthly. Membership PS5 per person per session and monthly charge PS5 per member. Non members welcome, charge PS6 per evening. Session runs September to December 2024 then February to May 2025. Friendly company, good music and dance. Further information, Edna on 01259 761616.

WRITE CLUB St Ninians Library hosting free weekly club for writers on Thursdays from 5.30-7pm. Aim is to create new piece of writing each week. Contact library for more details or to book - [emailprotected] or telephone 01786 472069.

FRIENDS OF KINGS PARK Group of volunteers that help maintain and improve Kings Park for all to enjoy. We will be pausing our weekly gardening meet-ups until February 2025. Always looking for volunteers and welcome feedback and ideas from anyone that uses the park. Get in touch by emailing [emailprotected] or go to website www.friendsofkingspark.org. STIRLING BRIDGE CLUB Regular duplicate bridge sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at club premises in Colquhoun Street. Full details www.bridgewebs.com/stirling. New members, all levels of experience, welcome.

CARSE OF STIRLING ROTARY Last week saw get together at Golden Lion Hotel for business meeting and meal where discuss business of club. President James led discussion and took contributions from club's officers and conveners. Club's Santa's Sleigh activity has ended and we talked about lessons learned for next time. No time to rest though, we're already planning 2025's Kids Out Day. We'd encourage anyone who'd like to join us in socialising whilst helping people, both locally and abroad, to either pay us visit on a Wednesday night, or get in touch through social media channels, by searching '@carserotary'." FALKIRK SOLO CLUB Friendship club for both single males and females over age of 55. Meets Friday nights in North Broomage Social Club, Graham Avenue, Larbert FK5 4PF. Dance with live music starts 8pm. Doors open 7.30pm. Smart dress. Phone Liz on 07392932424 for more information or just come enjoy really good night.

DOGS AND CATS DONATIONS Riverside Veterinary Clinic gathering donations for Bandeath stray dog shelter in Throsk and Cats Protection in Fishcross. Permanent collection box at clinic at 36 Forth Crescent, Riverside, Stirling FK8 1LG, open 4-6pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am-noon every Saturday. Items needed include dog food, beds, blankets, towels, treats, toys, collars, leads and bowls for Bandeath and cat food, beds, blankets, toys, cat litter, litter trays and treats for Cats Protection.

COUNTRY DANCING Strathendrick Scottish Country Dancing Club meets Tuesday evenings in Masonic Hall, Dunmore Street, Balfron 7.30-9.30pm. New members welcome, some experience preferred. Details from Alan 01360 550256.

FAMILY HISTORY DROP-IN Drop-in sessions at St Ninians Library, Mayfield Centre, open to anyone looking for advice on family history research, with volunteers from Central Scotland Family History Society available to help. Run in conjunction with Stirling Council Libraries and Archives. Booking required. Phone library on 01786 472069 to book time-slot.

RSVP WALKING GROUP Walk leaders with Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme organise and lead three walks every week, starting at various places across Stirling and Clackmannanshire on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Contact Anne Marie on 07935 911156 for more information. COUNCIL ON DISABILITY STIRLING Office in Cameronian Street open for all disability related work or enquiries. Operates by phone for all types of benefit form completion and follow up work to tribunal if required. Information at www.councilondisability.org, phone 01786 462178 or 07521 186159 or email [emailprotected].


Stirling's talking newspaper for blind, free to visually impaired in community. Contact Mike Milne at [emailprotected] or 01786 816673. CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Central Stirling CAB - email questions via www.stirlingcab.org.uk or telephone 01786 470239. Stirling CAB membership forms available from [emailprotected]. More details tel 01786 451225.

WOMEN'S WELLBEING CLUB If need to talk, we offer safe, supportive space to feel heard. Come for cuppa and chat every Tuesday from 6.30pm at Raploch Community Centre. If can't make an in-person meeting, we also meet online - for link email: [emailprotected].

NEURO CENTRAL Neuro Central aims to ensure people in Scotland who live with neurological conditions, plus carers and families, have access to high quality services, therapies, information and support in friendly, relaxed environment. Meet first and third Mondays of month (except January, July and August) at Stirling County Cricket Club, 11am-1pm. All welcome. For info call 07526 281747 or visit neurocentral. org.uk or the Facebook page.

ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND Contact dementia advisor Donna Paterson at [emailprotected], 01786 831171 or 07733 302772.

TOWN BREAK Charity group supports people with early to moderate stage dementia to live well. For info, contact 01786 641841 or email [emailprotected]. FORTH VALLEY TOP TOES Part of Braveheart Association, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Personal footcare service to adults unable to cut own toenails. Cost PS20 per session. Clinic at Bellfield Centre, Stirling Community Hospital, Livilands Gate, Stirling every Thursday. To book call 01324 633505 or email: [emailprotected].

FORTH VALLEY U3A Retired or semi-retired people. Meet new people and become involved in new hobby, interest or activity with Forth Valley u3a (University of third age), run by members for members. Around 80 different interest groups in Forth Valley area, meeting in local venues. Includes book & poetry groups, craft workshops, badminton, coffee clubs, current affairs discussion, language groups, poetry appreciation, Tai chi, Scrabble, Culture Vultures and walking groups to name a few. Membership socialises once a month for afternoon event. Visit www.forthvalleyu3a.org.uk.

GOING FORWARD The Bridge of Allan stroke group meets regularly on Thursdays in Chalmers Hall,

Bridge of Allan Parish Church at 1.45pm for 2pm. Contact Sandra for info on 07434 972818.

STIRLINGCITYCHOIR. Rehearsals have resumed at 7.30pm on Tuesdays at Park Church. Warm welcome to any new members who would like to be involved in our choir (no audition required). Spring Concert will include variety of pieces ranging from 16th Century Scottish work by Robert Carver, works by Herbert Howells and James MacMillan through to John Rutter favourites. Also excitedly thinking ahead to 2026's 75th Anniversary celebrations. Further information on www.stirlingcitychoir.org.uk, Also follow us on X (Twitter) @stirling_choir or on Facebook - STIRLINGCITYCHOIR. TORBREX COMMUNITY CHOIR Rehearsals 9.45-11.45am every

Tuesday in Park Church, Stirling. Choir performs two concerts a year for charity. New members welcome.

FORTH VALLEY RAMBLERS Around Dunblane, Sunday, January 19, start 10.30am, estimated finish 2pm. Distance: 6.5miles/ 10.5km. National Grade leisurely. Route may change, but at present plan for this circular walk is to go on to Laighills, over Holme Hill, through Ochlochy Park, part way along Darn Road, crossing river and walking back to Dunblane via Argyll Way. Other than in Ochlochy Park walk is mainly on good tracks and pavements, and on grass in Ochlochy Park. Depending on weather, a few parts might be muddy or icy. Walk starts from Haining Car Park (car park nearest Cathedral). If that is full, may be space in Mill Row Car Park and there is on road parking. Grid ref NN781014, postcode FK15 0AW. For more information and to confirm attendance on walk, text walk leader Katie on 07985455814 or email [emailprotected]. Further details can be found at https://www.forthvalleyramblers.org.uk/and https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/ramblers-groups/forthvalley-ramblers-group.

OCHILS MOUNTAINEERING CLUB Recent meet at cottage was well attended and provided good winter climbing conditions. Club members have been out winter climbing on various routes in Glencoe and on Beinn Udlaidh. A few club members enjoyed ski touring and nordic skiing on and around Cairngorms. Various folk out hillwalking in Ochils and Trossachs. In evenings rock climbers in club arranging indoor climbing at local climbing wall, the Peak in Stirling. Sessions usually arranged over WhatsApp group. Further indoor climbing sessions also held at international climbing centre at Ratho near Edinburgh and Perth climbing wall. Club hosting business meeting and club members talk on Wednesday February 5 at Stirling County Cricket Club starting 8pm. On social front, pub meet on Thursday at Crossed Peels, Stirling from 8/9pm, non-members welcome. Details of forthcoming meets at Jacobites hut in Achnasheen at end of January and Carn Dearg hut, Glen Doll, in mid February on Ochils Mountaineering Club Facebook page.

STIRLING RAMBLING CLUB Today (Friday) Helensfield, Linn Mill, Gartmorn Dam circular. Grade C, 5/6 miles. Leaving 10am Morrisons Car Park, Alloa. Park top left. Starting from Alloa East, heading to Helensfield along short stretch of Dunfermline cycleway towards Linn Mill, returning via Gartmorn Dam and Brothie Burn. Contact Denis to book - [emailprotected]. Leader Michele Bell. Sunday, January 19, Bannock Burn and Gillies Hill roundabout. Grade C, seven miles. Leaving 10am from Bannockburn Heritage Centre car park. From Battle of Bannockburn Centre we walk through Chartershall over to Gillies Hill returning by Swanswater Fisheries. Ascent 200m. Contact Elaine to book - [emailprotected]. Leader Richard Hughes.

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Voice of the People. - Free Online Library (2025)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.